Our case studies

Krofta is the exclusive owner of the world’s best and most efficient patented DAF technology. We are known for resolving issues quickly & economically and we offer unrivaled expertise and customer service.

Dive into our case studies and get a feel of what we can offer your company!

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Krofta for the laundry industry

Krofta has just finished up the installation of a Multifloat MFV750 DAF for a client in our home state Massachusetts. 

Their scope included a screw press, chemical feed systems, pH control system, and a sludge holding tank. Not only was Krofta responsible for the mechanical installation of all the equipment and support stands, the electrical instrumentation and piping. We also retrofitted an existing building by upgrading the floor and foundation.

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Krofta at Proxa

How can a Krofta Multifloat DAF reduce your water footprint and OPEX costs?

Krofta’s trusted partner and integrator PROXA Water in South Africa successfully integrated a Krofta Multifloat DAF (MFH-1000) as a pre-treatment step in an effluent reclamation plant for a large abattoir in South Africa.

Algae blooms are a major nuisance for which the Krofta DAF is perfectly suited. It's capable of treating large hydraulic flows efficiently and reaching TSS removal rates of more than 95%. Protecting downstream equipment and reducing OPEX costs significantly. 

After the DAF, the water is passed through a pre-filtration and reverse osmosis unit to be reused in the abattoir, helping the client reduce his water footprint 

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Krofta for municipal wastewater treatment

Krofta Supplies 2 Sedifloat (SDF-47) sludge thickening DAF units for the thickening of secondary sludgeat the municipal waste water treatmentfor Kenitra, Morocco.

The municipal wastewater treatment plant of Kenitra, Morocco has been designed and built by Waterleau. The plant is treating the waste water of 70.000 PE. For the thickening of secondary sludge prior to anaerobic digestion, Waterleau selected 2 Krofta Sedifloat (SDF-47) DAF units. 

Did you know that the Krofta Sedifloat - compared to conventional thickening methods - produces a higher sludge concentration which results in a longer residence time in the digestors and a higher biogas yield? Interested to increase the yield in your digestors? 


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Krofta for sewage treatment plant

Krofta Supplies 2 DAF units for pre-treatment of restaurant waste for the municipal sewage treatment plant of Coloane Macau.  

The sewage treatment plant of Coloane Macau which is built and operated by Waterleau treats up to 110.000 m³/day of sewage. Apart from the regular sewage, the plant also treats around 300 m³/day of restaurant waste that is being delivered by tanker truck. 

The installation of 2 Krofta Multifloat (MFV-200) DAF units as a pre-treatment on this side stream were able to remove the fat prior to the main treatment which resulted in an improvement of the overall plant operations. 

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Krofta for edible oil plant

Krofta Supplies Supracell DAF unit for FOG removal in an Edible Oil Plant in Indonesia 

Krofta trusted partner and integrator Aquakimia Sdn Bhd in Malaysia successfully integrated a Krofta Supracell DAF (SPC-15) for the removal of FOG in one of the largest Edible Oil Refinery Plant in Indonesia located at Dumai, Sumatra. The Krofta DAF is installed to reduce the incoming FOG content by more than 95%. After the DAF, the water goes to the existing aeration tank which has been upgraded to an MBR System. 

Without increasing the aeration tank footprint, and through the addition of the Krofta DAF and the MBR system, the existing waste water plant can now treat up to 250% of the original capacity.