The Krofta Supracell is available in 20 standard sizes ranging from 4 to 70 feet in diameter. This wide range of standard sizes processes flows from 35 to 12,000 gpm (8 m³/h to 3000 m3/h) cost-effectively in a single unit. Maximum theoretical loading to the unit is 3.0 to 3.5 gpm/sf. An automatic control system constantly monitors level fluctuations and keeps the level in the tank accurate to ensure consistent and precise sludge removal.
If space is an issue, units can be easily stacked on top of each other for a smaller footprint. The shallow, open tank design allows for utilization of the unit on a wide variety of applications.
Heavy oil and grease applications or high solids applications are well suited to the design. As a result of the patented zero-velocity principle, avoiding turbulence during the process, the Supracell DAF has a higher TSS removal efficiency than any other DAF in the market.
The Supracell can be connected to the Krofta Cloud, improving monitoring and optimization.